
Phoenix Jesus March Recap

Phoenix Jesus March Recap

Phoenix Jesus March Recap

This weekend over 4,000 people gathered from all over Arizona at the Civic Space Park in Phoenix

At 2:45 we took the streets and began to march, sing and declare the love of Jesus over the city.

During the march a line stretched for over half a mile
from Civic Space Park to the Superior Court of Arizona where thousands lifted up the city in prayer.

During the march we  stopped at multiple locations, preaching the gospel, praying for the city and worshiping. Hundreds of people witnessed the love of Christ throughout the march.

When we finished the march, we had an altar call, inviting those who felt called to answer the same call as Isaiah did: “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us? Here I am. Send me!

It was a commissioning moment, to step out of the four walls of the church and be the light of Christ to the brokenness of Phoenix. Over 1,000 people ran to the altar to answer the call.

A woman we met at the Jesus March shared that she was diagnosed with Hypocomplementemic Urticarial Vasculitis Syndrome, Lupus and Pulmonary Fibrosis.

The doctors have given up hope and told her that her time was running short. Usually she can walk 10-15 minutes at a time but on this day she stepped out in faith, marched and ran to the altar. 

This woman who despite her physical pain and illness, had the faith to march with us and answer the call, we have no excuse!

This is the time for the church to step out and be on the frontlines. 

What took place this Saturday doesn’t end this weekend. The Jesus March isn’t just a lot of noise or hype but a movement to see the body of Christ emboldened and sent out to preach the gospel. 

Over 4,000≈ people gathered for the Jesus March, 1,000≈ said yes to preach the gospel, 43 people baptized and countless were saved headed and delivered.

Thank you to everyone who donated, prayed and attended. You were part of the change in Phoenix!

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