Jesus March Portland

“Amplify Our Sound, Lord”
This weekend was absolutely incredible! What began as a simple gathering turned into one of Portland’s most impactful events.
As the march kicked off, a group of Antifa members and others from the Satanic Temple showed up – shouting and threatening to disrupt the march.
They seemed to be riling us up, trying to get us to retaliate against their shouts and physical threats.
We knew we were not there to battle against them. As the Bible tells us, it’s a battle against the spirit that has cast a shadow over Portland. Our victory had already been won by Jesus himself and we would not get caught up in returning evil for evil.
In order to keep the focus on our purpose, we took a moment to remind the crowd why we were there.
Our intention was not to harbor hatred towards Antifa, condemn the laws of the city, or oppose the government. We were there to proclaim life and victory over the city of Portland!
We stopped only to pray for the protestors and continued to march. Before we knew it, the protestors had left and the crowd of those joining the march had grown up to over 4,000 people!
There were people of all ages, from young adults to older individuals, and even families with young kids. It was incredible to see such a diverse and multicultural crowd coming together.
As we marched we sang songs and preached the gospel to all those around us, releasing a sound of joy and salvation.
We shouted “Portland, there is hope, and His name is Jesus! We have gathered here today to breathe life into this city, to bring hope to its core, and to shine light into the darkest corners of Portland. We proclaim that Jesus Christ is the Light of the world. Whatever darkness you may face today – be it the darkness of depression, the darkness of anxiety, or the darkness of Portland itself – we will pray and speak light into that darkness. We will pray and speak hope and peace into despair. In the name of Jesus!”
We led a prayer for the city of Portland and its surrounding areas, acknowledging the darkness, division, and hatred that have plagued the city and began to declare that it be replaced with the light of Christ.

Many people received healing, deliverance, and breakthrough throughout the march. Over a hundred people ran to the altar, and over 15 people got baptized at the end of the day!
After the march, a group of teenagers came up and testified that they dedicated their lives to the Lord that day, others came up and shared about the healing they received and many people went home that day set free and delivered.
The people of Portland were testifying how much the city of Portland needed this. The city is known for its spiritual heaviness and darkness, and seeing all the believers stirred up for their own city was powerful. Not many events happen like this in Portland because of the reputation the city carries, but we believe that what the enemy meant for evil God turns to good.
Portland will no longer be defined by its darkness – it will be known for REVIVAL!